
Accessories for your Fire Pit

Posted by Fire Pit Art on Dec 21st 2020

Accessories for your Fire Pit

Accessories for your Fire PitTime to accessorize your fire pit! It is the perfect time to add a fire pit to your home! The weather is chilly, and a warm fire is the best way to enjoy it! Now you can relish in the ambiance and beautiful area that you … read more
3 Fire Pit Dishes for This Winter

Posted by Fire Pit Art on Dec 4th 2020

3 Fire Pit Dishes for This Winter

3 Fire Pit Dishes for This WinterWinter is among us, and the temperatures are dropping! What is one thing that can make your winter experience more ideal and special? Firepit meals can bring the whole family together. A back yard fire can create a be … read more
Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner with Your Fire Pit

Posted by Fire Pit Art on Nov 16th 2020

Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner with Your Fire Pit

Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner with Your Fire PitThanksgiving is only a few weeks away! Have you started planning your menu? Before you get everything set in stone, have you considered cooking some food outside of the kitchen? There are several differen … read more
Why Linear Fire Pits are Trending!

Posted by Fire Pit Art on Nov 2nd 2020

Why Linear Fire Pits are Trending!

Why Linear Fire Pits are TrendingOutdoor Fire Pits have been trending for years and good reason! If you don't have one already, you will definitely become interested in getting one after learning about all the benefits there are to owning one.We … read more
Why a Fire Pit is a Perfect Addition to Your Home

Posted by Fire Pit Art on Oct 16th 2020

Why a Fire Pit is a Perfect Addition to Your Home

Why a Fire Pit is a Perfect Addition to Your HomeHave you been thinking about getting a fire pit but haven't made a final decision? As you start to do your research and make your pros and cons list, we want to help you move the process along. There a … read more
​4 Ways your Firepit Increases your Home Value

Posted by Fire Pit Art on Oct 2nd 2020

​4 Ways your Firepit Increases your Home Value

4 Ways your Firepit Increases your Home ValueDo you want to add that special something to your backyard? There are several ways that a firepit can increase your home value. From creating an outdoor living space that you can utilize year-round, adding … read more