Fire Pits: The Natural Bug Repellent

Many people are learning the health risks associated with bug sprays, and citronella torches, and are in search of a more natural route to keep mosquitoes and other insects at bay. Fire pits are an all-natural bug repellant and a beautiful backyard furnishing.

Dangers of Sprays and Torches

Bug sprays contain harsh chemicals that are classified as pesticides in the United States. Although harmful to our health, minimum risk pesticides are exempt from regulation, while solvents, preservatives, and foaming agents are not required to be listed on the ingredients label.

Large doses of sprays such as DEET have been associated with skin blisters, memory loss, headaches, skin irritation, and joint stiffness. DEET and similar products have also been found to cross the placenta and be present in newborns systems, and behavioral changes after the mother was exposed during pregnancy.

Citronella torches have been widely popular as yard décor in the summertime. However, these torches emit repellant in their smoke that presents health risks to pets, such as nervous system disturbances and breathing problems. Should a pet ingest any part of the citronella torches or candles serious illness, or even death can occur. Citronella has also been known to cause skin irritation to some people, especially young children.

How about a natural solution that is also a beautiful statement piece for your backyard fun? Fire pits.

Advantages of Fire Pits

Entertaining by fireside can be cut short by the presence of mosquitoes. The nuisance of being bitten and itchy tends to drive your guests inside. However, burning soft woods, such as pine or cedar, can help repel insects from your fire.

Burning natural herbs and materials can also repel unwanted bugs. Sage, lavender, mint, cedar bark, lemon balm are all common all-natural burning materials that insects, like mosquitoes, hate.

To create a natural bug repellent bundle:

  • Gather Fresh sprigs of herbs such as sage, lemon balm, or lavender.
  • Cut the herbs approx. 6 inches long and bundle them into groups of mixed herbs.
  • Using string tie together the herbs in three sections, top, middle, bottom, about 2 inches apart.
  • For added burning material you can add newspaper in the middle or wrapped around the outside of the bundle.
  • Simply add to your firepit for a natural bug repellent keeping your guests fireside and mosquito-free.

Take the step up from torch decorations, and hole-in-the-ground fire pits. At Fire Pit Art we strive on quality products and innovative designs. Adding a unique fire pit from our designs can turn your backyard into the focal point of the neighborhood, and a hot spot for entertainment. Choosing from our various uniquely inspired designs, or inquiring about custom pieces, you won’t be disappointed in our award-winning products.